after zy went off we went to ion for a walk!!!
on our way to ion we have free frappe coffee!!!
is cold and nice!!!
before we reach ion we went in to couch at taka.
look at her!! lazy her!!
on our way to ion we have free frappe coffee!!!
is cold and nice!!!
look at her!! lazy her!!
after tat we went to the top of ion!
and we sat down on the floor and started taking photos.
the good things is no one chased us off!!
is for me to know, for you to find out where is taken!!

we were hungry and zj suggested to go for supper!!
and we went to PRATA HOUSE!!
but in the end?!
she told zj she should have eat supper with us!!
cos she end up playing com den studying!!
she have such a fun day!!
we should have supper together again!!!
this time all must go!! hahaha!!
zj wrote I ❤ JACQZ
and i wrote
I ❤ JACZZ!!!